Sep 14, 2009

I Will Survive!

We can’t control the stressors in our lives, but we have the power to do something about how we deal with and react to them. Feeling helpless about any negative situation is definitely the number one stressor. But there are ways that can help us cope with the obstacles we are experiencing. Spark People, my favorite website on fitness and nutrition offers some points to ponder. Here are some measures that we can include in our lives:

Have a plan: Planning is crucial for us in order to get through these tough times. Making a list of things to accomplish each day gives us a sense of control. Checking these items off our list at the end of the day allows us to experience a sense of achievement.

Take time to breathe: Deep breathing has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and helps our bodies to relax. Just taking a few deep breaths can help calm our emotions and bring us back to center.

Allow yourself time to go through the emotions, but don’t allow these emotions to define you: Suppressing emotions will not and does not change the situation. Sooner or later we must come to terms with where we are. Being angry or sad doesn’t change our situation but allowing ourselves time to go through the emotions is what will eventually allow us to release them.

Use these events as an opportunity to learn: Every obstacle that is thrown in our path is the greatest opportunity to learn about who we are truly meant to be. When we are never faced with obstacles then how do we change the path which we are on? This is how we grow into the people we are meant to be.

Lean on others: So many of us refuse to ask for help because we don't want others to view us as weak. But the older we get, the more willing we should be to let others hold our hands and walk this journey with us. Life is too short to have to walk it alone.

Enjoy the moment: We should set aside a few minutes every morning to find one good thing to be grateful for. It doesn’t have to be big —even the simple things in life such fine weather, or a friendly smile can bring us great comfort.

Let us not allow stress in our lives to define us, but instead, let us define who we are by surviving the challenges in our lives...

Like what Dr. Martin Luther King said,"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Source: SparkPeople’s Daily Spark,
Contributed by Bing Bercades

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