Nov 26, 2009

Stay Slim After Saying "I Do"

by Bing Bercades

"...In sickness and in health, till death do us FAT"...

June --- the much awaited month of the bride. Before the wedding, she tries to keep her hips as trim as they were when she first visited the couturier. After she sheds the lovely wedding dress, she still hopes to keep her stunning figure.

But in reality, brides --- and grooms as well--- put on weight after saying "I do". That's an average of 11 kilos for women, and nine kilos for men after 13 years of marriage. How does marriage make you fat? Let's look at the 5 common causes ,and discover the solutions :

1.You match your mate's every bite

Ms. Mary Lou Klem of the US National Weight Control Registry says, "Many women serve themselves the same amount of food as their husbands without thinking about it." Since women are typically smaller and have less muscle mass than men, they can gain more weight than men who eat the same amount of calories.

Next time you eat together, try these strategies:

Take smaller servings, (try using a smaller plate)and eat slowly. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to know that you're full.

So that you'll feel full sooner, start the meal with a cup of low-fat soup or clear broth, or drink a glass of water.

2.Your kids are picky with veggies, and your husband/ wife is a meat lover

'Seems to be the end of your dream of being sexy again, huh? Relax. You may not be able to control your husband 's / wife's food choices (and sometimes, even your kid's), but you can definitely control your own. Make sure that you have veggies and fruits, and try to cook with low-fat oil and less sugar. Serve exciting and colorful veggies or salads --- add some raisins, apples, nuts, chips/cereals ---to convince your family that nutritious doesn't necessarily mean boring.

3.You eat out a lot

Couples enjoy dining out as a form of bonding --- you can talk and enjoy each other without the distractions. Unfortunately, this can tempt you to order high-fat dishes that are popular at restaurants. The solution is simple: you can either go to places that offer healthy foods, or you can eat anything in moderation. It's all about eating the right food at the right amount.

4.Your partner tempts you

You think that your decision to lose weight thrills your spouse. But according to a psychologist, Ms. Barbara Stuart, that isn't always true. Your partner may fear that if you look more attractive, you'll find someone better looking than he/she is. Or this might mean that you'll quit eating junk food, and expect your mate to do the same. So you grow suspicious when your honey gives you a box of chocolates or your favorite junk treat.

Try to discuss this issue with your partner by having a heart-to-heart talk. While you can't expect him/her to be honest about getting insecure, offer reassurance anyway. Emphasize that your goal with your new lifestyle is to make you feel healthier and more energetic--- not to attract the opposite sex. Who knows? He might just jog with you one day !

5.You are the family's "left-over disposal" unit

Because you feel guilty about left-overs, you feel that it's your responsibility to eat them. Unless you change your mind-set, you'll end up as big as your fridge ---and that's where the leftovers belong! Just say "no" to that compulsion, and set the food aside. You can develop your culinary creativity by "recycling" clean, unconsumed food into soups and side dishes . And perhaps training your kids to take only as much as they can finish will shape not only their self-discipline, but also your waistline.

data from "Why Marriage Makes You Fat" Reader's Digest, May 2003

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